Editor: Note: Some of the views below may be controversial, especially by those who know nothing about the real conflict in the Middle East. They are published NOT because we agree with them entirely but in the interest of hearing what you normally would NEVER hear by way of the regular "news" organizations.

1. ALL the recent REVOLUTIONS in Arabia and North Africa was started by an American Jew.
And this Jew is a Genuine Revolutionary. A Capitalist. Mark Zuckerberg, the genius behind FACEBOOK.
2. The "REVOLUTION" in Libya is not a "popular uprising," any more than the wars in Afghanistan were, but a WAR BETWEEN TRIBES. That is the reason some regions of Libya are controlled by the dictator's tribe and others by tribes at war with the dictator's.

3. VATOPEDION - What really caused the Greek Financial Meltdown?
No, not the American Banks. Here I add, that anyone who believes any of the FED and banker's conspiracy theories is paddling up the wrong stream. But that is for another day. While the REAL Greek Tragedy, the scandal is off the radar, it is the core of the problem in Greece. So who caused the Greek collapse?
MONKS! Greek MONKS who became BILLIONAIRES at the expense of the People in a LAND SCAM trading worthless land for valuable land!
"The monastery, Vatopedion, is one of 20 on the northern peninsula of Mount Athos, home to a 1,000-year-old monastic community in which all females are entirely barred.
The scandal embroils its abbot, Ephraim; at least three senior aides to the prime minister, Kostas Karamanlis; judicial officials linked to Orthodox faith groups; and the wife of a former minister who acted as notary public for the land swaps. And many Greeks are asking whether Karamanlis, who canceled the deals after their scope emerged this month, knew of the arrangements all along.
"This is the biggest scandal to hit Greece in recent decades," said George Kirtsos, a publisher and political analyst who is based in Athens. "Its effects are bound to be far-reaching because of the wide range of interests that are implicated."
The land deals began in 1999, under a Socialist government, but about 260 swaps were finalized after Karamanlis's center-right New Democracy Party took power in 2004."
4.. THE PEACE TREATY between Egypt and Israel is a sham, and has the SAME value as the other treaties between Israel and the Palestinians. None. A Muslim DIVERSIONARY TACTIC - a continuation of JIHAD to WEAKEN Israel...and thereby to WEAKEN the projection of American Power, influence and PROSPERITY.
EXCERPT from the BELOW: "Peacemaker" Anwar Sadat's letter to Adolph Hitler before the war ended:

Arabs who pretend to be "moderate" are far more clever and dangerous than Arabs who openly proclaim their genocidal Islamic goals
Egyptian Muslim Nazi dictator Anwar el-Sadat taught the Arab Muslim Nazis how to play the "moderate" game for foolish Western "infidels"
There are no Arab "moderates." The universal goal of the Arab world is the destruction of America, Israel and Western civilization.
The clever Arabs who pretend to be "moderate" when speaking to naive Christians and Jews are far more dangerous than the less clever Arabs who honestly and openly proclaim their Nazi genocidal goals.
In the next two weeks, JTF.ORG will prove this point by revealing the truth about the ultimate representative of the Arab "moderates," the late Egyptian Muslim Nazi dictator Anwar el-Sadat, yimach shmo ve-zichro (may his name and memory be obliterated).
Sadat taught the Arab Muslim Nazis how to play the "moderate" game with foolish Americans, Israelis and other Westerners. In the next two weeks, we shall review the devastating consequences of Sadat's Nazi strategy of deception, trickery and lying propaganda.
Until 1970, the Arab world was ruled by bloodthirsty Muslim despots who openly proclaimed - even to Westerners - that their goal was to "push the Jews into the sea" and "finish Hitler's job" (to quote Ahmed Shukari, Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to the United Nations and the first chairman of the terrorist PLO).
The leader of the Arab world has usually been Muslim Nazi Egypt, which is the largest and strongest of the 22 Arab nations that surround little Israel.
From 1952 to 1970, Egypt's dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser publicly called for the physical extermination of Israel and the Jewish people - a call that was enthusiastically echoed by the other 21 Arab dictators.
Nasser was also violently anti-American and anti-Christian - positions that were and are universally popular in the Arab Muslim world.
Because the Arab Muslim Nazis were completely united in their publicly stated goal of annihilating Israel, Israeli Jews were united in their steadfast determination to defend the Jewish homeland and to prevent another Holocaust against the Jewish people.
The backs of Israeli Jews were against the wall. They had no choice but to fight in order to survive. In this situation, tiny Israel won her greatest triumphs.
In the 1967 Six Day War, Israel quadrupled in size in only six days despite being outnumbered by the Arab Muslim Nazis by a margin of 70 to 1.
However, in November 1970, Nasser died of a heart attack. He was replaced by a new Muslim Nazi dictator, Anwar el-Sadat.
Sadat immediately told Westerners that Egypt was prepared to enter into a "peace agreement with Israel."
This was the beginning of a new era: the era of the Arab Muslim Nazi campaign to destroy Israel in stages.
Sadat's strategy was explained by his close confidant Mohammed Heikal, the editor of the official Egyptian regime-controlled newspaper Al Ahram, who wrote on February 25, 1971:
Sadat's strategy to destroy Israel in stages has now been adopted by much of the Arab and Muslim world. The Arab and Muslim world is now divided into two camps: first, the more clever Muslims, who pretend to be "moderate" when speaking to Western "infidels," and who seek to annihilate Israel in stages; and second, the less clever Muslims who openly demand Israel's immediate destruction.
Sadat - who is adored today by Jews who are self-hating or just plain stupid or both - spent his entire life emulating his two idols, Adolf Hitler and Mohammed, the founder of Nazi Islam.
As a child, Sadat - like virtually all Arabs and Muslims - worshiped Hitler.
Sadat wrote in his 1978 autobiography, In Search of Identity:
While in British prison as a convicted Nazi collaborator, Sadat taught himself German. He fervently read and studied Hitler's strategy, tactics and speeches, which he himself would later mimic as the Muslim dictator of Egypt.
Again, Sadat's fanatic Hitler-worship is typical of the almost universal admiration for Hitler and the Nazis in the Arab and Muslim world.
Hitler's notorious book, Mein Kampf, is required reading at Egypt's Military Academy. After the Koran, Mein Kampf is the second best-selling book in the Arab world. The Saudi terrorist regime spends millions of dollars each year reproducing Mein Kampf in numerous languages and distributing it throughout Islamic nations.
In September 1953, several news wires reported that Hitler was still alive. This report caused enormous excitement in the Arab and Muslim world, where Hitler is idolized. The official Egyptian regime-controlled weekly, Al Musawwar, asked prominent Egyptians the following question in response to the report:
"If you wanted to send Hitler a personal letter, what would your write to him?"
One of those questioned was Colonel Anwar el-Sadat. Sadat responded with the following open letter to Hitler:
The only Jewish leader who consistently told the truth about Sadat and the other Arab Muslim Nazis was HaRav (The Rabbi) Meir Kahane, zecher tzadik livracha (may the memory of this saint be immortalized).
Today, the former Kahanists who once worked with Rabbi Kahane are the only ones telling the truth to the Jewish people. The Hilltop Youth, the Chayil (Valor) Party of Baruch Marzel, and heroic Jewish dissidents such as Noam Federman are the sole voices of truth and sanity in Israel.
JTF is proud to be the main U.S. fundraiser for the Hilltop Youth and other right-wing Jewish dissidents. If JTF's allies take power in Israel some day, G-d willing, every Israeli Jew will finally learn the facts about the Arab Muslim Nazi enemy.

The combination of abuses of power by an out of touch liberal party, an economic recession and growing insecurity about America's future have touched off something that is more than a taxpayer's revolt. Instead it's turning into a showdown over the nature of government itself.
Money is the engine of government. Tax revenues are meant to to fund the operations of government only through the decisions of elected officials. Which is why public officials who want to expand the size and scope of government need an electoral base of support. That electorate is created using wealth redistribution. Taxpayer money is siphoned off to a redistributive electorate, which delivers mass votes and campaign contributions. There's no way to halt the expansion of government, without taking on the redistributive electorate.
That is what's happening in Wisconsin. Public sector unions are one half of a political trust. They elect candidates and then "negotiate" contracts with them. The generous contracts turn into union dues which turn into contributions to the candidates. It's a big circle of corruption that goes round and round again. And it has brought states like California to their knees.
Bigger contracts mean bigger budgets which mean bigger taxes and less jobs. In order to keep paying off the unions, states strip themselves of everything but minimum wage and union jobs. Small businesses collapse. Big businesses outsource. Less jobs mean more workers on the dole, and a smaller tax base. Everyone gets poorer, except the skeletal workforces on the state payroll, and their contractors. The taxpayers will complain that the country isn't what it used to be, but they will go on hoping for a better tomorrow.
Contributed by AGB.
1. ALL the recent REVOLUTIONS in Arabia and North Africa was started by an American Jew.
And this Jew is a Genuine Revolutionary. A Capitalist. Mark Zuckerberg, the genius behind FACEBOOK.
2. The "REVOLUTION" in Libya is not a "popular uprising," any more than the wars in Afghanistan were, but a WAR BETWEEN TRIBES. That is the reason some regions of Libya are controlled by the dictator's tribe and others by tribes at war with the dictator's.
3. VATOPEDION - What really caused the Greek Financial Meltdown?
No, not the American Banks. Here I add, that anyone who believes any of the FED and banker's conspiracy theories is paddling up the wrong stream. But that is for another day. While the REAL Greek Tragedy, the scandal is off the radar, it is the core of the problem in Greece. So who caused the Greek collapse?
MONKS! Greek MONKS who became BILLIONAIRES at the expense of the People in a LAND SCAM trading worthless land for valuable land!
"The monastery, Vatopedion, is one of 20 on the northern peninsula of Mount Athos, home to a 1,000-year-old monastic community in which all females are entirely barred.
The scandal embroils its abbot, Ephraim; at least three senior aides to the prime minister, Kostas Karamanlis; judicial officials linked to Orthodox faith groups; and the wife of a former minister who acted as notary public for the land swaps. And many Greeks are asking whether Karamanlis, who canceled the deals after their scope emerged this month, knew of the arrangements all along.
"This is the biggest scandal to hit Greece in recent decades," said George Kirtsos, a publisher and political analyst who is based in Athens. "Its effects are bound to be far-reaching because of the wide range of interests that are implicated."
The land deals began in 1999, under a Socialist government, but about 260 swaps were finalized after Karamanlis's center-right New Democracy Party took power in 2004."
4.. THE PEACE TREATY between Egypt and Israel is a sham, and has the SAME value as the other treaties between Israel and the Palestinians. None. A Muslim DIVERSIONARY TACTIC - a continuation of JIHAD to WEAKEN Israel...and thereby to WEAKEN the projection of American Power, influence and PROSPERITY.
EXCERPT from the BELOW: "Peacemaker" Anwar Sadat's letter to Adolph Hitler before the war ended:
"My Dear Hitler,
"I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. Even if you appear to have been defeated, in reality you are the victor.
"You succeeded in creating dissensions between Churchill, the old man, and his allies, the sons of Satan [the Americans].
"Germany will win because her existence is necessary to preserve the world balance. Germany will be reborn in spite of the Western and Eastern powers. There will be no peace unless Germany once again becomes what she was. The West, as well as the East, will pay for her rehabilitation - whether they like it or not. Both sides will invest a great deal of money and effort in Germany, in order to have her on their side....
"We will not be surprised if you appear again in Germany or if a new Hitler rises in your wake."
Arab "Moderates" Are More Dangerous Than Openly Extremist Arabs (Part 1)
Egyptian Muslim Nazi dictator Anwar el-Sadat taught the Arab Muslim Nazis how to play the "moderate" game for foolish Western "infidels"
The clever Arabs who pretend to be "moderate" when speaking to naive Christians and Jews are far more dangerous than the less clever Arabs who honestly and openly proclaim their Nazi genocidal goals.
In the next two weeks, JTF.ORG will prove this point by revealing the truth about the ultimate representative of the Arab "moderates," the late Egyptian Muslim Nazi dictator Anwar el-Sadat, yimach shmo ve-zichro (may his name and memory be obliterated).
Until 1970, the Arab world was ruled by bloodthirsty Muslim despots who openly proclaimed - even to Westerners - that their goal was to "push the Jews into the sea" and "finish Hitler's job" (to quote Ahmed Shukari, Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to the United Nations and the first chairman of the terrorist PLO).
The leader of the Arab world has usually been Muslim Nazi Egypt, which is the largest and strongest of the 22 Arab nations that surround little Israel.
Because the Arab Muslim Nazis were completely united in their publicly stated goal of annihilating Israel, Israeli Jews were united in their steadfast determination to defend the Jewish homeland and to prevent another Holocaust against the Jewish people.
The backs of Israeli Jews were against the wall. They had no choice but to fight in order to survive. In this situation, tiny Israel won her greatest triumphs.
This was the beginning of a new era: the era of the Arab Muslim Nazi campaign to destroy Israel in stages.
Sadat's strategy was explained by his close confidant Mohammed Heikal, the editor of the official Egyptian regime-controlled newspaper Al Ahram, who wrote on February 25, 1971:
"Arab policy at this stage has but two objectives. The first, the elimination of the traces of the 1967 aggression through an Israeli withdrawal from all the territories it occupied that year.
"The second objective is the elimination of the traces of the 1948 aggression, by means of the elimination of the State of Israel itself. This is, however, as yet an abstract, undefined objective, and some of us have erred in commencing the latter step before the former."Thus, Sadat's strategy was to first weaken Israel by getting her to make suicidal territorial retreats from the lands which she liberated in the 1967 Six Day War. After the Israeli retreat to indefensible borders, the Arab world would then attack the greatly weakened Israel in an all-out war to completely exterminate the Jewish State and the Jewish people.
Sadat - who is adored today by Jews who are self-hating or just plain stupid or both - spent his entire life emulating his two idols, Adolf Hitler and Mohammed, the founder of Nazi Islam.
As a child, Sadat - like virtually all Arabs and Muslims - worshiped Hitler.
Sadat wrote in his 1978 autobiography, In Search of Identity:
"I was in our village for the summer vacation when Hitler marched from Munich to Berlin, to wipe out the consequences of Germany's defeat in World War I and rebuild his country. I gathered my friends and told them we ought to follow Hitler's example...."During World War II, when Egypt was a British colony and the German Nazis invaded North Africa, Sadat and other Egyptian Muslims conspired to help Nazi Germany win the war. Sadat and his co-conspirators were caught by the British. Sadat was convicted of collaborating with the German Nazis and served four years in British prison.
While in British prison as a convicted Nazi collaborator, Sadat taught himself German. He fervently read and studied Hitler's strategy, tactics and speeches, which he himself would later mimic as the Muslim dictator of Egypt.
Again, Sadat's fanatic Hitler-worship is typical of the almost universal admiration for Hitler and the Nazis in the Arab and Muslim world.
In September 1953, several news wires reported that Hitler was still alive. This report caused enormous excitement in the Arab and Muslim world, where Hitler is idolized. The official Egyptian regime-controlled weekly, Al Musawwar, asked prominent Egyptians the following question in response to the report:
One of those questioned was Colonel Anwar el-Sadat. Sadat responded with the following open letter to Hitler:
"My dear Hitler,
"I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. Even if you appear to have been defeated, in reality you are the victor.
"You succeeded in creating dissensions between Churchill, the old man, and his allies, the sons of Satan [the Americans].
"Germany will win because her existence is necessary to preserve the world balance. Germany will be reborn in spite of the Western and Eastern powers. There will be no peace unless German once again becomes what she was. The West, as well as the East, will pay for her rehabilitation - whether they like it or not. Both sides will invest a great deal of money and effort in Germany, in order to have her on their side....
"We will not be surprised if you appear again in Germany or if a new Hitler rises in your wake."Indeed, Sadat's lifelong dream was to be the "new Hitler" who would finally finish off the Jewish people completely.
The only Jewish leader who consistently told the truth about Sadat and the other Arab Muslim Nazis was HaRav (The Rabbi) Meir Kahane, zecher tzadik livracha (may the memory of this saint be immortalized).JTF is proud to be the main U.S. fundraiser for the Hilltop Youth and other right-wing Jewish dissidents. If JTF's allies take power in Israel some day, G-d willing, every Israeli Jew will finally learn the facts about the Arab Muslim Nazi enemy.
Posted: 21 Feb 2011 06:51 PM PST
The protests in Wisconsin represent a split in American politics. Not a split between Republicans and Democrats, but between those who believe that the government should continue expanding, and those who see the continued expansion of governments as the greatest threat to their political and economic freedoms. This is not just a debate over budgets, it is a battle over political power, and it is the country's most fundamental split since the Civil War. 
The combination of abuses of power by an out of touch liberal party, an economic recession and growing insecurity about America's future have touched off something that is more than a taxpayer's revolt. Instead it's turning into a showdown over the nature of government itself.
Money is the engine of government. Tax revenues are meant to to fund the operations of government only through the decisions of elected officials. Which is why public officials who want to expand the size and scope of government need an electoral base of support. That electorate is created using wealth redistribution. Taxpayer money is siphoned off to a redistributive electorate, which delivers mass votes and campaign contributions. There's no way to halt the expansion of government, without taking on the redistributive electorate.
That is what's happening in Wisconsin. Public sector unions are one half of a political trust. They elect candidates and then "negotiate" contracts with them. The generous contracts turn into union dues which turn into contributions to the candidates. It's a big circle of corruption that goes round and round again. And it has brought states like California to their knees.
Bigger contracts mean bigger budgets which mean bigger taxes and less jobs. In order to keep paying off the unions, states strip themselves of everything but minimum wage and union jobs. Small businesses collapse. Big businesses outsource. Less jobs mean more workers on the dole, and a smaller tax base. Everyone gets poorer, except the skeletal workforces on the state payroll, and their contractors. The taxpayers will complain that the country isn't what it used to be, but they will go on hoping for a better tomorrow.
Contributed by AGB.